Far away friendships
Family Guest User Family Guest User

Far away friendships

This is Beau Fox and our dear friend Jo. We live at the other ends of the country and don’t always get chance to talk and be there for each other.

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Living a more sustainable life.
Family Guest User Family Guest User

Living a more sustainable life.

Our good friends Matt and Beth live here. They grow their own veg and fruit, have a home for chickens…. and are making efforts to have a more sustainable life. Not in a big noisy way, just because it works for them.

When and where do you make the steps towards a life that ‘feels’ more considered, more real, more thoughtful about the world we live in, and the choices we make to making it a better place?

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Instagram buddies / being part of an online community.
Family Jo Melia Family Jo Melia

Instagram buddies / being part of an online community.

Instagram has become our online home from home, with a place to meet new like minded folks and share mutual interests. We especially love how creatives of any kind can come together and be positive about each others work. Like a constant place to be inspired and supported. 

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