Instagram buddies / being part of an online community.

Dearest Hannah, Ben and Oscar.

We only meant to stay a little time with you, while we photographed your wonderful connections. but two cups of tea, cake and a tour around the tomatoes and raspberries with Oscar and Margot, and they were setting themselves up for a dinner date of fish fingers and home made chips! 

One of the things we are MOST grateful for is the chance to meet and connect with amazing people. 

The internet is a crazy place these days, there's a million ways to keep in touch and with something pinging on your phone every couple of minutes, it's funny that sometimes I even forget to reply to an old friends text from last week! 

Instagram has become our online home from home, with a place to meet new like minded folks and share mutual interests. We especially love how creatives of any kind can come together and be positive about each others work. Like a constant place to be inspired and supported. 

Thanks Hannah & Ben for having us around for a while! 

All shot in film on the Pentax 67. mainly our 35mm camera died a few shots in so as time consuming as it is, we're kinda glad we shot it all on medium format. 




Running at it with open arms.