Trapped Creative - Free photography community

How are you feeling in isolation as a creative?

One of the things we’ve noticed over the years is that creative people need to be creative. Being in isolation has changed how that’s happened. Personally I’ve really felt it being at home. Before isolation there were a couple of portraits and films that I was really looking forward to working on, that I’d spent sometime planning and imagining. It’s a frustrating feeling inside like somethings not quite right, like you haven’t had enough water. This is how I feel, do you feel the same?

Catching a glimpse of the the news or reading something on social media, we feel grateful for all the things people are doing to save lives. It grounds you and makes you see the bigger picture. These incredible people that are putting their lives in risk so we don’t have to.
We are lucky to live in a place where I can disappear into the morning and breathe the fresh air in, we are not trapped by any means. I’ll be honest and I still do miss taking peoples portraits, getting to know people, watching how light shifts around them, creating that connection and the image. Never realised how much I would miss it. At the moment I’m going to try and take some portraits via FaceTime (video call) using phones and laptops but it’s not the same. Things aren’t bad by any means, we are here together, we are healthy and grateful.

But what to do about that creative itch, that creative itch that builds and at some point you have to deal with. How are you dealing with it? Is it different to how you normally fill the void? Are you learning something new?

From all this we’ve been creating a space on the internet, it’s a community space for creatives. It’s been in the works for some time and when we started building it, we really had no idea what was going to happen and we can’t tell you how much we both value it at the moment. Being able to chat to others about projects and about film photography with other creatives has been amazing and it’s growing everyday. It’s a photography space which is filled full of likeminded people from all over, some are full time photographers some are just starting out and most just enjoy it. We ask questions everyday, chat to one another, set little challenges and post images that make us feel proud. It’s becoming a beautiful space that Jo and myself are really grateful for. If you enjoy Photography, even if it’s just with your phone, then it would be amazing to see you there. It’s free to join, just follow the link below this post and come and say hello.

There is no catch, just click on the link and answer a couple of questions.

We will welcome you into Photo club.


Images shot with Minolta x700 and Kodak Portra 160


Photographers to get lost with. /// part one


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