wild & free, Nancy & Pearl

Wild & Free.... we have heard this term a lot, but it's something we've wanted to explore a little more for a long time, with ourselves and our photography. A few years ago we found an amazing website called Childhood Unplugged, and really loved their ethos and what they stand for. I don't know if it's the age of our children or if technology is moving so very fast, but it feels super important to us to let children be children. Is it just us or are there so many more restraints on them these days? Rules and regulations, safe guarding and scaring? I think it's safe to say micro managing may well have taken up residence in our house in the past, oops!! It's kind of a rabbit hole of a conversation, which I'm sure deserves a much more lengthy talk. For us, the long and short of it is  the internet has opened up a world of experiences for our children, some amazing, some just plain worrying. With our own three we're really trying to make time for creative explorations, opportunities to work on their own independence and self reliance. I won't say it's particularly easy (suggestions of getting rid of the TV for awhile didn't go down too well) but if anything, It's worth a chance to spend time outdoors, reconnecting with our surroundings and taking notice of what's there.

So we've made a change. It's been a labour of love for the past few years and we really hope you like what you see! Taking time to capture children in their raw and natural ways. Letting them run free and be kids, make a mess and not care so much. (Okay, we'll all try not to care so much but may have to follow them around with a towel!) 

This is the start of a new journey for us, with lots to say and show you. We hope to help inspire you and teach along the way. Fancy joining us? 

 Here are Nancy and Pearl. 






Howe Family