The Melias Studio

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Ollie Quinn Glasses

For a few years now both James and I have taken it in turns every other year to choose a new pair of glasses. It became a bit of a long standing argument/joke at the start of this year as to who’s turn it was.. I know, kind of ridiculous but it kept us entertained! We were steadfast and convinced that it was each, our turn.

Eventually we were called by the optician to have our eyes tested and the game was over.. seemed James was the last to pick up a new pair, YES, my turn!

I guess if you’re a glasses wearer you can understand how important it can be to get the right pair, they can be expensive and kind of have to go with everything for a few years. Often i’ll fall out with them after a year and spend the last year not really liking them much.

In the spring someone recommended us to Ollie Quinn, and we were excited to be able to go along to one of their stores in leeds. Not only are they handcrafted but they house locally cut lenses and feature thoughtfully sourced materials. They were also around £105 including standard lenses and with coatings! Perfect.

Honestly, the whole experience was great! A calm, well thought out space with lots to try on and great light to really see what you were looking at. There are a range of great colour ways along with some up to date and more classic styles of frames. The staff are also cool, calm and knowledgeable without being pushy sales types. Neither of us are great with those!

I think I found my frames in around 5 minutes and after having measurements taken, my new glasses were ordered for around half the price I was used to paying with designer glasses, with a much more comfortable experience. Just to make things even better I was told that I would receive a message to say they were ready within two weeks and 3 days later they were in the store ready!

The extra bonus of course was that James could get his too.. at the same time. The long standing argument has had a stop put to it!

We’re now both very proud and happy owners of some Ollie Quinn frames.

*This isn’t an affiliated or paid post… we just had to share them with you!