The Melias Studio

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family - Hannah, Ben, Oscar and Wilf.

Why do we LOVE to shoot families? because these photographs continue to tell YOUR story. 

We met Hannah, Ben and Oscar last year when Wilf was just a teeny tiny apple or pear (?) in Hannah's tummy. At the time, when we arrived, Oscar was happily playing with his toys, emptying the recycling and learning to walk carefully up and down the beautiful wooden staircase in their home in York. Ben and Hannah were busy tending gently to his needs and quietly inviting him to explore new things. They were no doubt getting their heads around another arrival to their little team and wondering how it would all fit together. 

Moving along to a few weeks ago, Wilf is here, almost 6 months old and beaming with sweet smiles. Both Hannah and Ben are more relaxed in their parenting, as inevitably another human helps us to realise that we can't possibly be all to everyone, all of the time, and it's probably best to just roll with it. Oscar has grown, in height and personality. He's speaking to Margot like a friend he's known for years, and throws himself straight into her toy collection. He speaks with a slight cockney accent which sounds so funny up to Margot's new Yorkshire drawl. 

The thing is we change, we develop and we grow. 

The one thing in life that is best to accept is change, and documenting those changes can be the best way to remember each wonderful phase with a huge smile on our faces. 

This life of ours is fast and fleeting, it can be a big muddle at one moment and move so very slowly the next. 

We really hope you like these images from our time with these wonderful souls. 

If you would like to look back at the original film photographs of Hannah, Ben and Oscar, you can - here